Julie Wall
I am drawn to the repetitious patterns found within many natural elements. With a background in printmaking and metals, I am continuing the technique of layering design features to create a greater sense of depth. Some pieces have more organic textures and configurations, while others are more heavily pronounced through painting, carving, or other artistic methods.
My recent work utilizes many techniques I have developed through my work in printmaking and combines them with a more 3-dimensional, sculptural based body of work. These “blooms” are sculptural wall hangings with designs based from mushrooms and fungi seen in our environment. They are meant to showcase the beautiful scenery encompassed inside seemingly small, insignificant organisms.
Julie Wall is the artist and maker behind The HEDGE. The HEDGE was established in 2013 and began as a fine art printshop. We continue to create fine art prints, provide letterpress services, workshops, engraving, calligraphy, and much more. We have recently branched out into providing our own line of unique products including statement jewelry, stationery, and artistic house wares.